Tuesday, September 15, 2015

I have been working on my Communication Assignment and I have had the opportunity of doing the Meyers-Briggs personality test and my results came up with the following: – YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE IS: DEFENDER (ISFJ-T)
We are born not just for ourselves.
– MIND – Introverted – 57%
– ENERGY – Observant – 12%
– NATURE – Feeling – 3%
– TACTICS – Judging – 38%
– IDENTITY – Turbulent – 47%
Knowing your learning style can help the learner perform better at University as the test helps identify academic strengths and weaknesses, study more effectively and approach problem-solving more flexible especially when working with other students.
LEARNING STYLE DEFINITION is the way in which an individual takes in information and processes it, remembers and expresses it. This is usually referred to as a learning preference.
Bibliography: McMillan, Kathleen, and Jonathan Meyers. The Smarter Student. Harlow, England: Prentice Hall Business, 2006.

Sunday, September 6, 2015




Gingerich, M. (2013). The Rise of Social Media [STATS INFOGRAPHIC] - Mike Gingerich. [online] Mike Gingerich. Available at: https://mikegingerich.com/the-rise-of-social-media-stats-infographic/ [Accessed 6 Sep. 2015].

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

History of Communication : What's Next?

YouTube, (2015). History of Communication : What's Next?. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hPtSQv5RDs [Accessed 4 Aug. 2015].

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Week 1 - Introduction to communication concepts in a professional context


Technical Communication is any kind of communication that relays information and focuses on the audiences needs. The focus is getting the information to the user in the best possible format. Technical communication also considers what the user needs to know and how to get the information to the user in the clearest for and why does the user need this information.

Technical Communication involves:-

  • editing
  • writing grants
  • designing documents
  • creating presentations
  • writing proposals
  • designing and managing web content

Technical Communicator's Job
  • is to keep the language simple and understand the audience
  • are great at audience analysis
  • use their knowledge in the content to benefit the user
  • are the audiences advocate
  • ensure the content meets the needs of the audience
  • reduce company cost to make user content more friendly 
  • have value in industry 

YouTube, (2015). What is Technical Communication?. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shCcP2auxkk [Accessed 18 Jul. 2015].

December.com, (2015) Technical Communication. [online] Available at:

Blog.tnsemployeeinsights.com, (2015). Communication Process. [online] Available at:http://blog.tnsemployeeinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/CommunicationProcess3.png [Accessed 18 Jul. 2015].

Reflection Exercise 1.1 

Briefly discuss the importance of communicating effectively. Reflect on your own communication skills. Write down what you think your strengths and weaknesses are, communication-wise. 

What is the importance of communicating effectively?

To be an expert communicator a person needs to be effective in all areas of the communication process - from the 'sender' through to 'receiver and with the different channels of communication needs to be comfortable whether it be face to face, voice to voice,written or some other communication mode. Poor communicators will at a point of time struggle to develop their careers.

Reflection of my Communication Skills

On reflection of my own communication skills I have found that I can be very critical of my ability to communicate. This has lead to being misunderstood and things being taken out of context. By participating in this course I would hope that by the end I will have improved my skills so as this does not happen as much.


  • careful, methodical, thinking things through, sensitive, practical, loyal, predictable, discipline, logical
  • prefers to expend the effort to achieve high quality results
  • getting bogged down in detail, especially when decisions need to be made
  • tendency to avoid conflict using silence as a way of dealing with the issue
  • prefers to work on own than in groups
  • prone to question optimistic views of situations
  • sensitive to criticism

Mindtools.com, (2015). How Good are Your Communication Skills?: Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading Effectively. [online] Available at: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCS_99.htm [Accessed 18 Jul. 2015].

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Future Technology | Our Digital World 2020

Blog.tnsemployeeinsights.com, (2015). Communication Process. [online] Available at: http://blog.tnsemployeeinsights.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/CommunicationProcess3.png [Accessed 18 Jul. 2015].

Social Media Revolution 2015 #Socialnomics

YouTube, (2015). Social Media Revolution 2015 #Socialnomics. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jottDMuLesU [Accessed 18 Jul. 2015].

Social Media - The Evolution of Communication Technology

YouTube, (2015). Social Media The Evolution of communication technology. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dceq9ardooY [Accessed 18 Jul. 2015].

Thursday, July 2, 2015


My name is Iris Onvlee. I am in my second year of completing a Bachelor of Business (Specialisation-Accounting and Information Systems). I am studying via Distance Education. Due to my study schedule I plan to finish my degree within 4 - 5 years.

I live in Gympie and needed a new direction in my career. I was studying to be a teacher but found that my job role in the school relies on me in the behind the scenes running of the school. So taking up Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Information Systems) will give me new skills within the administration area. I'm looking forward to the challenge ahead. 

As I ponder about my adventure through the years there has been many milestones to get to where I am today? I left school in 1975 as a 15 year old teenager to start my way into my life long adventure. I didn't get the chance to finish year 10 as my parents couldn't afford to keep me at school. 

My first job awaited me where I worked in the local cafe. Over the next few years I worked in various restaurants, cafes and fast food outlets. At the young age of 22 I married and by the time I was 26 had two small children. 

In 1988 I went back to work as a Store manager in a local Big Rooster store after about 4 years I moved to where I live now to take on the role of opening a new store. At this point of time I had tendered my resignation due to family circumstances. A year later in 1994 my youngest child was born. 

In 2000 my journey in a new future started. I completed my Certificate IV Teacher Aide and also started with CQU in a WIST Course with a bridging course for university. Over the next few years I gained my skills to start my degree. 

In 2008 I then ventured to my first year in a Bachelor of Learning Design. I completed the Diploma part of that course and changed over in 2013 to a Bachelor of Learning Management. During the year I was sidelined from my work with a foot reconstruction and during the 7 weeks away from my work I came to the conclusion that my passion was not for Teaching. This is where I decided that I was more suited to doing Bachelor of Business. 

So as of March 2014 I started my adventure to gain my Bachelor of Business (Accounting and Information Systems)I am working full-time and doing my degree via Distance Education Part Time. 

Whilst I work on studying I am also completing a Certificate IV in Trainer & Assessor. This will allow me to also train others in the work that I do. 

I am looking at myself right now wondering how many 54 year olds would be in my boat. I hope to have my degree before my husband retires in 3 years.